Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Doomsday scenarios! How the world could end...

See below a list of doomsday scenarios that could happen .... tomorrow !

1. A solar storm blasts the Earth

A ‘super solar storm’ could burn out power stations, cut water supplies, leave millions hungry, and leave satellites dead in the skies.
In 2012, solar scientist Pete Riley, said that the probability of a ‘super solar storm’ hitting Earth in the next ten years was ‘around 12%’.
Experts fear that a storm could burn out electrical grids around the world.
‘Frankly, this could be one of the most severe natural disasters that the country, and major portions of the world, could face,’ space weather consultant John Kappenman told Gizmodo.
The only account of a ‘super storm’ striking Earth comes from more than 150 years ago – when a Victorian scientist, Richard Carrington, described an eruption known as ‘the Carrington event’.
In 1859, there were no telephones and satellites, but the power of the storm devastated communications – telegraph wires around the world burnt out, and some operators reported sheets of paper catching fire.
In our wired world, the effects would be more serious – it would have been the worst natural disaster of all time, in terms of financial damage, with a cost in trillions and effects which lasted for years afterwards.

2) A supervolcano erupts

Could a supervolcano really plunge the Earth into darkness - and change our climate forever?

Answer: yes.
The huge ‘supervolcano’ thought to lurk under Yellowstone park will blanket the USA in ash when it finally erupts.
The eruption will be so catastrophic it will change the world’s climate.
Researchers are ‘99.9% confident’ the volcano will not erupt this century, though - and say that we will see warnings long before any eruption. Note that a super volcano erruption could be caused from a super solar flare!!!!

3) A nuclear war erupts in the Middle East

In 2015, the hands of the ‘Doomsday Clock’ - maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - were moved two minutes closer to midnight, due in part to the threat of nuclear weapons.

They remained there this year.

Noam Chomsky said in an interview this year, ‘The threat of a nuclear war is greater today than during the Cold War. The risk of a nuclear war is concentrated in the proliferation of incidents involving armed forces of nuclear powers.’
No state with a large nuclear arsenal - such as Russia or America - actively WANTS nuclear confrontation.’
What observers fear is a military or political confrontation which builds up tensions around a nuclear missile attack - possibly leading one side to fire.
Both Russia and NATO are still in the position to unleash global-scale nuclear attacks - and the weapons are armed and ready.
The Arms Control Association says, ‘United States and Russia still deploy more than 1,500 strategic warheads on several hundred bombers and missiles - far more than necessary to deter nuclear attack - and they are modernizing their nuclear delivery systems.

4) A man-made virus wipes out life on our planet

Astronomer Royal Martin Rees made a gloomy bet in 2003 that by 2020, one million people would have died in a single instance of ‘bio-terror - or bio-error’.

He still believes the risk of both ‘bio-terror’ and ‘bio-error’ is real.

Rees said, 'My concern is not only organized terrorist groups, but individual weirdos with the mindset of the people who now design computer viruses.’

‘My worst nightmare would be that some crazy guy with an ecology fantasy that humans were a plague would try to use some type of biological technique to kill lots of them – without caring who they were.’

In America, enthusiasts calling themselves 'biohackers’ already race to engineer new strains of bacteria - and perhaps even new forms of life.

The field of 'synthetic biology’ came into being in 2010 when a scientist added synthetic DNA to a bacteria cell to create a 'new’ life form.

An Oxford ethicist warned that it opened the door to 'the most powerful bioweapons imaginable’.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Earth LASER defence!

Astronomers have proposed to shield Earth with a barrier of powerful lasers to make it invisible to aliens and keep it safe from a hostile invasions.

A new paper published by Columbia University researchers in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society turns the table on our obsession with looking for aliens, and advocates defending as well as hiding our planet from the eyes of potentially belligerent space-dwellers.
In order to make this a reality, the paper suggests the use of a planet-spotting technique called a "transit method" — keeping track of a star's dips in light, which are caused by planets passing between the star and our vantage point.
This method has been used to discover over 80 percent of new exoplanets over the last 10 years, and the authors of the study think alien civilizations are probably using it to look for us, too.
In order to avoid being detected, they propose cladding Earth in the same amount of light it blocks when passing in front of the Sun. 
While there are many different ways to achieve this, such as installing sprawling mirrors, the cheapest and most effective solution is to create a shield of powerful laser lights.

The system would be composed of three different structures. One, called a "broadband cloak" which is comprised of a single 30-megawatt laser that would only be activated when Earth is in its transit phase — for about 10 hours a year.
While the first cloak would conceal us in visible light, that is not enough. We would also need a second, laser-based array employing several, smaller sources emitting high-speed light. This 250 megawatts barrier, which the astronomers nicknamed "chromatic cloak" would make sure our planet is not visible for systems employing infrared or ultraviolet detectors.
A third system, called "biocloak" would hide any sign of life on the planet (like oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) by using a polarised 160-kilowatt laser power.

Source: sputnik

Μανδύας α ορατότητας για την Γή!!!!

Αστρονόμοι προτείνουν την θωράκιση της Γής με ένα τείχος πανίσχυρων LASER τα οποία θα έκαναν την Γή αόρατη σε επιθετικούς εξωγήινους!!

Επιστημονική δημοσίευση από ερευνητές του Παν/μιου της Columbia στο περιοδικό  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  έρχεται να εξάψει την φαντασία μας και την σκέψη μας στο θέμα της απειλής του πλανήτη μας από εξωγήινους πολιτισμούς.

Σύμφωνα με την δημοσίευση ένας εξωγήινος πολιτισμός μπορεί να εντοπίσει τον πλανήτη μας, μέσω της μεθόδου "transit", πρακτικά βλέποντας της περιοδικές αυξομοιώσεις του φωτός ενός άστρου όταν ο πλανήτης βρίσκεται μεταξύ άστρου και σημείου παρατήρησης. Αυτή την μεθοδολογία χρησιμοποιούμε και εμείς οι άνθρωποι για να βρούμε πλανήτες σε άλλα ηλιακά συστήματα. 
Οι ερευνητές προτείνουν, ισχυρά LASER να καλύπτουν την Γή ώστε να μην γίνεται αντιληπτή η μείωση φωτός του μητρικού μας άστρου του Ήλιου.

Θα χρειαστούμε 3 διαφορετικά συστήματα LASER, το πρώτο θα αποτελείται από ένα πανίσχυρο LASER ισχύος 30 MW (megawatt), το οποίο θα ενεργοποιείται 10 ώρες τον χρόνο , και θα καλύπτει το φώς στο ορατό για εμάς φάσμα!
Δεν φτάνει όμως αυτό, κάπως θα πρέπει να κρυφτεί η υπεριώδης και υπέρυθρη ακτινοβολία!
Με το δεύτερο σύστημα LASER από πολλαπλές μικρές πηγές , συνολικής ισχύως 250 ΜW θα μπλοκάρονται και αυτές οι ακτινοβολίες.
Τέλος, ένα τρίτο σύστημα LASER θα μπορούσε να κρύψει οποιοδήποτε σημάδι ζωής στον πλανήτη μας, (οξυγόνο, άζωτο κλπ) χρησιμοποιώντας πολωμένο LASER ισχύος 160 ΚW.!!!