Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Astronaut in a black hole!!!

What if an astronaut falls into a black hole? Science fiction scenario but simultaneously one of the scientists thought experiment. In a theory astronaut will be able to pass the event horizon not understand something and not knowing what awaits him, but a little later the weight will start to pull towards the inside of the black hole, it stretched as "spaghetti" until eventually crashed in a singularity in the hypothetical center of the black hole at the core of infinite density.

In another aspect, the laws of quantum mechanics who are strong in the bodies, we are told that the event horizon is an area of ​​extremely high energy which will result in our astronaut burn and not had time to approach the black hole.

The above two cases are inconsistent to each other, especially the latter is in contrast with Einstein's theory of relativity. But these are not the ony scenarios ...

There is a third! According to the great theoretical physicist of our time Steven Hawking, there is also the apparent horizon where the light trying to escape from the black hole stops there. According to the theory of relativity if a black hole is stable the event horizon and the apparent are the same, but if ... more matter falls into the black hole event horizon then grows much more than the apparent.

Unlike the event horizon the apparent can be dissolved. What does this mean?

That something may finally escape from a black hole theory. This occurs when the apparent horizon disappears, then all mater in the black hole swallowed will be released, but not in the form it was before!

So if Hawking is right, then the astronaut will stay in the apparent horizon but would not ever reach the center of the black hole. His matter will not be damaged. The material that was once an astronaut will be released in some other form (Hawking radiation).

Conclusion, as far as we are allowed by our knowledge in physics, since all this is pure theory, the astronaut in all cases will end badly.

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