Sunday, January 10, 2016

Plasma shields

Travel in space will soon be in our daily lives, as is air travel. But there is a problem ...
Space is not empty, it is full or radiation from the Sun (Solar storms) or outside of our solar system (cosmic radiation). A spacecraft can even travel through our solar system should be protected from this type of radiation, otherwise the astronauts are at mortal risk.

Here comes a scientific team to propose a solution. Scientists from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory built a laboratory an active shield protection from ionized particles (such as protons coming from the sun).

The original image of the article shows the operating principle of this shield. High energy ion (particle from Sun electrically charged) comes from the left and begins to deflect the electric field ER (with red arrows). The electric field has already been created by the creature trapped in a powerful magnetic field formed by the spacecraft.

According to the researchers, the naturally accumulated plasma can be enhanced by the release already ionized gas from the vessel and can protect against extremely actively electrically charged particles coming from the sun.

Practically, a plasma shield able to protect the spacecraft from solar storms.

It's a technology that we hope to see in practice, otherwise we will fail to see interplanetary travel.

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